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Get to Know Camila- 30 Random Facts About Me

Hi Everyone! I hope you are having a good day. I’ve been blogging for a while now and I’ve realized that I’ve never done a Get To Know Me-post before.  In case you are wondering who I am, where do I come from and more, keep on reading.

30 Random Facts About Me 

1. I was born in Bogota, Colombia. Lived in Maracaibo, Venezuela for 6 years and then moved to Houston Texas when I was seventeen years old.

2. I am a Christian and I am very devoted to my religion.

3. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Geosciences from Virginia Tech University ( #GOHOKIES!)

4. I collect pencils. I buy a pencil at every place I travel to. It is the perfect souvenir since it doesn’t take up space in my luggage. 

5. I enjoy listening to film scores and my favorite composers are Hans Zimmer and John Williams.

6. I suffer from nearsighted vision, so I basically can’t leave without my contacts and glasses. 

7. I love watching movies so much, that I even took a cinema class when I was in college. I watch movies from all over the world, black and white and even silent ones ( The Gold Rush is a must watch!)

8. Books, books, books…can’t get enough of them. Paulo Coelho and Gabriel Garcia Marquez are my Top writers.

9. I am obsessed with Morrocan and Indian home decor. The colors, tiles, and textiles are simply beautiful. 

10. I get stressed out easily, which is not good, but I’ve been trying to work on that day by day. 

11. Natural/organic products are my best friends. I use coconut oil in my hair regularly and when I get sick I make myself a natural “flue shoot” that contains ginger, cinnamon, lime, honey, turmeric and apple cider vinegar.  

12. I can spend hours grocery shopping. I like looking at and reading about new products. 

13. When it comes to traveling… restaurants/street food, museums, historical landmarks and breathtaking landscapes are always on the top of my list. 

14. So hard to choose a favorite food. On a two-way tie: Italian and Mediterranean.  

 15. I did a one-week vegan challenge for detox. It was so hard, but in the end, it was totally worth it since I got to try and cook different types of meals. I still eat black bean burgers! yum! 

16. I worked at an Art and Architecture Libray for one year when I was in college. I loved my job and I want to work there when I retired (probably at the age of seventy).

17. I have various accessories and jewelry pieces, but in the end I always choose pearls.

18. I am very old fashion. I prefer writing on a notebook than on a tablet, I am not into online shopping, and I don’t care much about having the newest technology gadgets.

19. I can cook and clean, but ironing is not my forte. I am work in progress. 

20. I enjoy hosting dinners and small get-togethers at my house. I am very detail oriented so I love setting up the table with flowers, candles, and making small personalized treats for each guest.  

21. I love babies. I am that girl that as soon as she sees a baby she has to interact with him. Becoming a mom is definitely on my future plans!

22. I truly believe in the importance of  Community Service. Attend river cleanups, donate blood, take care of the elderly and, tutor kids are some of the activities I’ve done to help my community. 

23.  I co-founded an accessories company with mom. It is named after my blog Unfolded Bloom. Check us out on Etsy and Instagram- @unfoldedbloom

24. I’ve been painting since I was 11 years old. My first job after college was to paint 100 mini canvases.

25. I consider myself a hobbyist. I constantly intrigued by things and how to make them. I am currently working con wire-art and weaving. 

26.  I go to Target at least once a week. It’s my weakness.  I feel that every time I need something I can always find it at Target.

27. My passion (when it comes to my career) relays on the discovery of water treatments that can remove contaminants with the purpose of protecting fauna, flora and delivering clean water for our future generations.

28. My dream vacation would be backpacking through South East Asia.

29. I had braces when I was little and I’ve bee using a retainer every night since 2007. I seriously can’t sleep without it. 

30. My favorite drinks are coffee and water. Coffee in the morning and water throughout the day. 

I hope this post has given you a better idea of who I am. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you just want to connect.  I am a very open person who is always willing to help others! 

Check out outfit details below      

Dress: Target | Clutch: Unfolded Bloom | Shoes: Target | Necklace: Charming Charlie 

*Fun Fact about this dress: Someone misplaced it in the adult section, but it is actually a kid’s dress. Love the colors so I had to get it. In case you are wondering, this is a Size L. 

Thanks again for reading,

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  • Gina Dugger

    August 28, 2018 at 9:33 pm

    Hi Camila,
    I enjoyed reading fun facts about you! You look Beautiful!!!🌹

  • Gina Dugger

    August 28, 2018 at 9:35 pm

    Hi Camila,
    I loved reading fun facts about you! You look beautiful!!🌹

    1. Camila Vargas

      August 29, 2018 at 2:12 pm

      Mrs. Gina <3! Thank you so much, you are so sweet! I really appreciate all your support. Hugs! <3

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