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Goals for 2018-New Year,Same Dreams & Fresh Starts

I am a planner. I make lists on a daily basis to keep myself organized. I don’t know, but there is something about lists that make them so helpful when I need to get various things done. Perhaps, is the sense of accomplishment that I feel when I scratch things off my list haha. As the avid list maker that I am, today I decided to take some time to set up some goals for 2018. There are many goals that have been consistent throughout the years like: travel more often, work on time management, drink more than 2 L of water a day, exercise regularly, don’t take things too personal, appreciate what I have, read more books, save money for that one thing that I really want and haven’t had the money for…etc. These goals will always be on my list, but today I’ve decided to share some of my New Goals!!!

Goals for 2018!

1.  Take care of my health
I need to be honest with you, I don’t go to the Doctor as often as I should. I go when is strictly necessary. In other words, I have to be in severe pain or have spent hours under the covers feeling miserable, for me to drag myself out of bed to go to the Doctor. Since I’ve seen people around me getting extremely ill. I’ve decided to start the year on the right foot and get a full blood work done and other exams if needed. I want to start eating healthier and start treating my body the right way. More than being fit, I want to be healthy!! Side note: Don’t expect me to entirely suppress my sweet cravings. This girl likes brownie Sundaes way too much haha!

2.   Get a new Hobby
For those who don’t know me, art is a huge part of my life. I’ve been painting since I was eleven and even though I am not an expert, painting has been a way to express myself. And more than a hobby is a stress reliever. I want to continue painting, but I also want to explore other forms of art. During this year I started weaving and  I was hooked with textile art!( next week I will show you some of my work). In this upcoming year I want to learn how to bake, but not your typical chocolate cake, brownies, and cookies. I am talking about something more elaborated. If you have seen Zumbo’s Just Desserts on Netflix you probably know what I am talking about. Let’s see how that goes hahaha!

3.   Write more Awareness related posts.
I am so new to blogging and so far, I love it. I love writing about anything that sparks my interest and being able to share it with others. I enjoy talking about fashion, food and showing you new DIY projects, but I really want my blog to raise awareness about environmental and social issues. I know many bloggers say that the key to success is choosing a niche and target a specific audience.However, I do believe that there are many people just like me who enjoys food and fashion, but at the same time likes to be informed about what is going on in the world and how they can take action.

4.   Get rid of tons of things I don’t need.
I save almost everything. If you gave me a letter for my birthday on eight grade you can be sure I still have it. I am very sentimental and I appreciate every little thing that people give to me. However, I’ve come to realize that I have accumulated so many things throughout the years. OK, don’t get scared, I am not a hoarder. I just have many things that I actually don’t need and don’t have a sentimental value to me. For instance, clothes, purses, jewelry, lotions, perfumes, nail polish and the list goes on. Fewer things = A more organized and cleaner space.

5.   Start saving money for donations
I truly believe that there is nothing better than giving to those who needed the most. However, when it comes to donating I always end up giving what I can based on my finances. But this year  I want to start saving money to donate to all of those causes that I strongly support and to anyone that is going through a rough patch.  I think is important to save money to obtain things that you really want, either for yourself or for others. I save money to surprise my mom on her birthday with something she desires or I save money for a trip that I want to make with my friends.  So, why not save money for donations?  I think you should start doing it too (wink!).

I hope your last day of 2017 is full of joy and love! 
Thank you once again for reading my posts and supporting this dream of mine!

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